And sometimes we just can ' t resist the lure of interesting late night television or amusing video games 而有时我们熬夜是因为抵抗不了有趣的深夜节目或电玩的诱惑。
In " man of the year " , which begins filming in canada later this month , linney plays the head of a computer company that investigates how a late night television host williams ran for us president only as a stunt but still managed to win 影片年度男士将于本月末在加拿大开拍。片中,琳尼扮演的一个电脑公司的负责人要调查一个夜间电视节目主持人威廉姆斯饰演如何费尽心思,不择手段地竞选美国总统的喜剧故事。